Our thanks to Madam Oona, who joined us in Kabwe in 2016, and her friends in Cork, (the Real Capital!), for starting a wonderful fundraiser for Sables Nua - The 2020 ZAM-JAR Campaign. Simple - any loose coins - or notes for that matter! - go into a jam jar and when full it makes

2021-10-02T14:17:25+00:00By |

Sables Nua to the Fore in Fight Against Covid-19.

In a major new initiative by Honourable Sydney Mushanga M.P., Minister for Central Province, the authorities are trying to empty the streets of street children to keep them safe against the Covid-19 virus in the street outreach operation... "Leave No Child Behind". Sables Nua has opened its doors to an influx of boys from the

2021-10-02T14:17:25+00:00By |

Kabwe Chamber of Commerce Supporting Sables Nua.

We were delighted to welcome a delegation from the Kabwe Chamber of Commerce and Industry who called to Sables Nua to see how our new residents were getting on and to bring us a most welcome and appreciated donation of food supplies. Our thanks to Madam Christabel Ngongola-Reinke (President KCCI) for the support and the

2021-10-02T14:17:25+00:00By |