
Registered Charity

ZAMDA (Zambian Direct Aid) is registered with and regulated by the Irish Charities Regulator, Registered Charity Number (RCN): 2006095 and Revenue Number: CHY16728. The Irish Charities Regulator maintains a public register of charitable organisations operating in Ireland and ensures their compliance with the Charities Acts. It regulates the charity sector in the public interest so as to ensure compliance with the law and support best practice in the governance, management and administration of charities.

View ZAMDA’s Strategic Plan

Comhlamh’s Code Of Practice

ZAMDA (Zambian Direct Aid) is party with Comhlámh’s Code of Good Practice; a set of standards for Irish Volunteer Sending Agencies facilitating international placements. The Code is based on a vision of volunteers working in solidarity for a just, equitable and sustainable world. It promotes responsible and responsive volunteering to ensure a positive impact for the overseas project and community, the volunteer and the sending agency. The Code promotes development education, which enables people to more deeply understand the world around them and to address the root causes of inequality and poverty. Every Volunteer Sending Agency, which is party to the Code of Good Practice, commits to the implementation of the Code’s five values that underpin the work of international volunteer programmes. These are solidarity, respect, social justice, ecological sustainability and integrity.
